Friday, 18 March 2016

#Health Teens Mal-Nutrition - Teenagers not getting enough says London Nutritionist

Picture of Teens' Health: Why are we failing our young teens when it comes to getting them to follow a healthy diet?
The Mirror: According to nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston, the problem arises because we’re socially programmed to make sure our younger kids and babies eat healthily and take extra vitamins, but not encouraged to focus on teenagers, who by this age are mostly making their own food choices.
“This is a mistake as the teenage years are incredibly vital for when it comes to nutrition,” says Bishop-Weston.
“Age 13 to 18 is the period of growth spurts, frantic hormone activity and high academic stress – in fact, the body needs a higher amount of nutrients then more than at almost any other time of life.”
Naked Facts: Teens Nutrition Inadequate Diet for Health

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Nutritionist on BBC1 Food: Truth or Scare

Harley Street Nutritional Therapist Yvonne Bishop-Weston back on TV on BBC1 as consultant nutritionist
 Sugary Carbs on Trial - BBC1 Food: Truth or Scare

Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston BBC1 TV

BBC1 Gloria Hunniford with Yvonne Bishop-Weston
Yvonne Bishop-Weston London Nutritional Therapist BBC1

Yvonne Bishop-Weston with Gloria Hunniford BBC1